aku izinkan setiap coretan ini digunakan . gunakan . tiada batasan . cukup dengan kau tidak nafikan nukilan ini aku yang ukirkan . baca dengan hati . hayati setiap bait hidup dan mati .

jawapan kau sendiri

kau fikir , sentiasa .
kau dia cinta .
kau dia sama .
padahal takdir tuhan yang cipta .
nak taknak kau kena terima .
jodoh dalam tangan dia .
kalau satu hari nanti ,
kau bukan dia yang miliki .
siapa kau nak adili ?
Tuhan yang kau kasihi ?
sakit , aku akui .
kau fikir "kenapa aku mesti ?"
"kenapa kena pergi ?"
cari jawapan kau sendiri .

"Kalau aku tahu 
Akhirnya kau akan tinggalkan aku 
Tak akan Aku sayang kau Sedalam & sebegini rupa 
Akan aku biarkan kau pergi 
Satu masa dulu."

tentang semua itu .

sesak .
tak bernafas .
lasak .
aku dah puas .
malas .

aku malas .
nak ambik tahu siapa yang benci aku .
aku tak larat .
nak cari tahu siapa yang tak suka aku .

aku tak kacau .
tapi kau tak berhenti ganggu dan kaitkan aku dengan kau .

setiap tingkah dan gerak laku aku .
kau catat tak tinggal walau satu . 
kau rajin nak tahu ini dan itu .
dan aku kaku .
kenapa aku ?
dan ikhlas lagi , aku malas nak amik tahu .
tentang semua itu .
tentang setiap satu itu .

"cuba kalau sekali ,
kau letak diri kau jadi dia .
dan kau cuba rasa apa dia rasa .
i bet , kau pun takkan sanggup nak rasa . "

hey girls ,
its life . whether you like me or not ,
i dont care .
i got my own stuff .
and likely , you dont have it even once .

kau lukiskan .

Aku perlu kau bentuk hari aku .
Setiap inci kau lukiskan tanpa jemu .

Doa tak pernah berhenti .
Mintak satu hari nanti kau dengan aku jadi pasti .
Mintak Dia berkati .
Inshaa Allah , nanti .
Asal kau tak pergi .

I need you .

siapa ?

aku tak pernah kenal kau siapa ,
dan aku tak pernah tahu kau yang mana .
lagikan sentuh , pandang pun tak rasanya .

tapi kenapa ?
apa yang kau nak kata ?
apa yang kau tak puas sebenarnya ?

apa sebab rupa ?
kerana tak sempurna ?
atau aku alpa ?

chill , kita dah besar .
jangan belagak kasar .
cepatlah kau sedar .

kita kongsi dunia .

something there

emm . racist enough ? no . i justt .. hey ! its interesting . there's something behind this story . so . read it :) assalamualaikum .

Pada Suatu Hari Di Sekolah..Seorang Murid Bertanya Pada Gurunya. Ketika Itu,Guru Itu Sedang Mengajar Mengenai Kasih Sayang.. PELAJAR :- Cikgu,Macam Mana Kita Nak Pilih Seseorang Yang terbaik sebagai orang yang Kita paling Sayang.??Dan Macam Mana Juga Kasih Sayang Itu Nak Berkekalan.?? CIKGU :- "Ok.! Kamu Ikut Apa Yang Saya Suruh..Kamu Pergi Kepadang,Kamu Berjalan Diatas Rumput Sambil Memandang Rumput Didepan Kamu,Pilih Yang PALING CANTIK Tanpa Menoleh Kebelakang Walaupon Sekali..Dah Petik Rumput Yang Paling Cantik bawa Ke Kelas".. Apabila Pelajar Tersebut Pulang Ke Kelas Tiada Sehelai Rumput Pon Ditangannya..Lalu Cikgu Bertanya...... CIKGU :- Mana Rumputnya.?Kenapa Tiada Rumput Yang Dipilih.?? PELAJAR :- "Tadi Masa Saya Berjalan,Saya Carilah Rumput Yang Paling Cantik..Memang Ada Banyak Yang Cantik,Tp Cikgu Cakap Petik Yang PALING CANTIK Maka Saya Pun Terus Berjalan Sambil Mencari Yang Paling Cantik Tanpa Menoleh Kebelakang..Tapi Bila Sampai Dihujung Padang Saya Tak Jumpa Pun Rumput Yang Paling Cantik.Mungkin Ada Diantara Di Belakang Saya Tadi Rumput Yang Paling Cantik,Tapi Dah Cikgu Cakap Tak Boleh Menoleh Ke Belakang Semula,Jadi Tiadalah Rumput Yang Saya Boleh Petik".. CIKGU :- Ya.! Itulah Jawapannya..Maknanya Apabila Kita Telah Berjumpa Dengan Orang Yang PALING Kita Sayang,Janganlah Kita Mencari Lagi Yang lebih BAIK Dari Itu..Kita Patut Hargai Orang Yang Berada Didepan Kita Sebaik2nya..Jangan Kita Menoleh Ke Belakang Lagi Kerana Yang Berlaku tetap Dah Berlaku Semoga Yang Berlalu Tidak Berulang Lagi Dan ingatlah,Orang Yang Paling Kita Sayang Itulah Yang Paling Cantik dan PALING BAIK..Dan Tiada Yang Lebih Baik Dari Itu...Walaupun Nak Ikutkan Banyak Lagi Yang Cantik Dan Baik Seperti RUMPUT Tadi......... HARGAILAH ORANG YANG PALING KITA SAYANG 
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what do you want from me ?

I am very honest . like very . and like really . just get out if you can't face the truth . If I ever hurt you , it is you who started it.

Hey readers ! no ‘’sastera’’ term for this current entry . bcs I thinkkkk that I wanna share something with you guys . okay lets start . its about RESPECT . how we respect each other . yaa . we’re Malaysian . we live in the same ‘house’ , we live together . we’d meet in the halfway . so then why should we acting like we own this world . we own the things . You don't have to be like really selfish  . Like really . Like seriously . Don't act like you're living in your own world . bcs this is my world too and this is their world too . So don't act like it yours . Just please .  im begging you . At least for once . I'm not askin too much . Only once . Just once . im wondering , why people don’t understand that they should know something better before they conclude what the things really are . i just think that everyone comes with different perception and awareness regarding a matter . so that they cannot accept any opinion from others . maaaaaybe laa . Well maybe just we're coming from different background and yes absolutely , bcs I think it is true . we’re just the same ! will act just the same , all of us , everything about us is the same, they way we talk, the way we walk, the way we treat people . emm yes I admit here not everyone in this world has that kind of behaviour , but mostly we do ! they do !

Yes , im in college now . moving to a new place , to a new environment , new people , and the surrounding are totally different from my root . and its open my mind and eyes about how many people act and care with the society . and I wonder , what other people’s perception on me . I really wanna know . I do change a lot now . like a lot of difference . seriously , I don’t even know me . I don’t even know my self . who are you ? im just trying to push myself to be a good one . change for the better . I just don’t know why . I don’t know what happened to myself . im being too emotional lately . mayyybe im quite depressed . I don’t have any idea . really . its suck . I don't know whats bothering me, it just.. happened. I think I can't adapt to the new surrounding, I tried , many times before but it seems like.. useless . The feeling just get lower and lower . im so tired for doing nothing and let everything mess up and falling apart . to be honest , im losing myself pieces by pieces .

Well , admit it , 95% siswi in college doesn’t like me , and keep lookin’ at me . like there’s something on me and I don’t even know it . what’s that ? when i asked my room mate , they answered “ teha lawa , so tak heran lah kalau ramai perempuan tak suka teha , tak heran lah kalau ramai orang pandang teha . sampai  akak yang jalan sebelah teha ni pun kena tempiasnya , orang duk pandang je . lelaki pun kalau pandang tak lepas . well , dah banyak kali akak nasihat , jangan fikir pandangan orang . jangan fikir apa orang nak kata . abaikan je “ you know what . i still wondering about that answer you answered me . bcs for me , there’s another girl are prettier than me . seriously . like yes seriously . then why me ? just me ? they keep lookin’ at me . so as usually , my boy friends are much many than my girl friends . I don’t know why . but it still being like that . I have too many boy friends . and yet , the girls are keep lookin at me and said “perempuan tu ramai sangat lelaki . gatal gedik agaknya . tenguklah tu , jalan pun dengan lelaki , lelaki mana-mana je panggil dia layan . semua lelaki kenal dia . tak malu ke ?” . and im feelin like -_- what do you want from me !!! I don’t touch you . I don’t even know you . this is my life . so don’t acting like you care so much . bcs I hate it . you keep judging me like we’ve known each other like a years !

I can be friends with just anyone , anyone as long as they want to be friends with me , but now the major problem is , girls don't want to make friends with me . Sadlife huh I have ? sooner or later , I might give them my voice . I am me .
Well fatihah , this is what we called as life . life keeps changing . its you who determine how it gonna be . and perhaps I’ll get a better future . than others who keep judging .

Keep trust this word ,
Fainnamaalyusriyusra .
There is always easeness in every difficulties,

Updated , FH  .


“have you ever tried to surprise or make someone happy yet they blame you for your mistakes ?
have you tried to change for better just to make them happy and yet they still can't believe in you ?
have you ever tried to love someone even though they keep on hurting you so bad ?
i have
you know how does it felt like ?
it is damn hurts
but, as it called love, comes high or low, you still going to forgive them .”

he love me .
and mybe someday he’d leave me .
im always wondering .
Did he have to go ?
Will I ever know ?
Does he deserved me ?

Dear ,
Your personalities are beautiful
Your smile is too
Your nose make me breath continuously
Your warm make me feel safe .
Nothing to be fear when you sit next to me .
Your hand when you hold mine make me feel alive .
The gap between your teeth are seems too cute for me .
And your heart is true
You're everything that every girls dreams of
You're everything
You  makes me fall in love

Now I'm living in my own world .
There’s you and me live together .
Cause it's just me
Whenever you were near , Im always hoping that the times will stop for an hour .
I need for you to know
I love you ,
And im here for you .

Dear kanda ,
thank you for teach me how to love
and how to be loved
how to be a loyal person
how to be a good muslimah .
i want you to know
i love you with all my heart
i love you because of Him

*kalini tukar mood sastera . oh my english !